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I have been talking about parts & their difference for ions now. So I decided it is time to explain the parts that I use & why. Yes, some parts are more expensive than what other toy maker’s will use that are similar. But I have requirements for quality…
GFBToys uses 2 sizes of handWOVEN straw hats in my toy designs: 2” & 3-4” diameter. These hats are handWOVEN (they are expensive & unfortunately are not easily found anymore). But there is an importance difference between these handWOVEN versus the easily available SEWN hats. And the difference is why GFBToys uses the handWOVEN…they are plain & simple, nothing added!!
The SEWN hats use a fine nylon filament thread that does not brake easily. On a bird, especially a small one it could get wrapped around toes, tongues, a wing, etc. Not advisable for any size critters either since they could ingest the threads which could bind up inside. These SEWN hats are designed for craft use, easier to produce & cost much less.
I have been talking about parts & their difference for ions now. So I decided it is time to explain the parts that I use & why. Yes, GFBToys uses some parts that are more expensive than what other toy maker’s use that is similar, but knowing is important.
This blurb is about: Plastic Chain
(and not all is created equal)
Plastic chain Made in U.S.A. is important to me for many different reasons, from the company practices to what it is made from.
The plastic chain company that I purchase from recognizes that, as a manufacturer of plastic products, they do whatever they can to promote recycling and reduce waste. They are committed to safety and the protection of our planet and the environment we live in.
-The recycling is carried over into their finished products too. The plastic chain, which GFBToys only uses are #2 recyclable & the scrapes can be tossed into your recyclable bin!!
-This plastic chain does NOT contain any BPA or Phthalates nor is there any lead used in creating some or any of the colors used.
This is the only plastic chain used on GFBToys...
Greenfeather Bird Supply,LLC had this chain
This blurb is about: Wood cutouts vs Plywood cutouts
(AND not all is created equal)
In this blurb, it will be about the difference between Wood cutouts vs Plywood cutouts…and there is a difference!! I have been reading from a number of sites/blogs/FB pages about DIY toys for your bird or critter. These sources are also making suggestions to use easily found & inexpensive parts from around the house, $1 store, craft stores, Home Depot/Lowe’s & similar places. These are fine sourcing places BUT you need to know what you are looking at since
You know those really cute ¼” to ½” or even thinner or thicker cutout wood shapes (rocking horse, stars, animal shapes, etc) that you find at those stores or online… Hold one horizontally & do you notice that it is comprised of layers. Well these layers are glued together with a toxic adhesive/glue & are intended for craft use where this process is fine for, but not for pet chew use.
There are really cute wood cutout shapes available out there that are made from solid wood, both in hard & soft woods. But don’t be surprised at their price compared to the plywood version. When searching, several suppliers do sell both the solid & plywood on their site or in store…remember to read all the info per shape/part.
GFBToys chooses to only uses solid cutout shapes & wood parts in both hard & soft woods on our toy creations… No laminated wood parts are used. GFBToys also chooses to use as much wood parts as possible that are grown & milled here in the USA from sustainable sourcing companies. Sustainable, ethical sourcing of wood products from outside the USA is also as important too.
GFBToys believes in supporting ‘Green’ ethical business.
This blurb is about: Toothbrushes
In this blurb, it is in the pursuit of the elusive toothbrush!!
I know that sounds odd since toothbrushes are plentiful, available just about everywhere, in a wide variety of shapes, colors, do-dads, etc & from regular to eco-friendly. You would think with the wide offerings it would be easy to just pick a toothbrush to create bird toys with…
But unfortunately it isn’t. The brushing bristles, which are generally nylon, that’s not a problem & birds enjoy playing/preening them too. Well, the hidden issue is these bristles are held in with either teeny wires or staples imbedded in the toothbrush head to hold them in place.
If your bird can crack the head open, it can get to the wire & that’s where the problem is…
This blurb is about: Playing Cards
Playing cards…birds & critters enjoy them to chew on, shred & make confetti out of them. They appeal to all beak sizes from keet to macaw/toos plus small critters to rabbits too. You can find decks of playing cards in a variety of sizes, shapes, themes, thicknesses & colors to satisfy your creative design ideas. And they are readily available, basically an inexpensive & easy part to work with. Also, depending on how creative one is you can do quite a bit with playing cards.
Unfortunately not all playing cards are created equal. Most playing cards have a ‘plastic’ coating covering them, especially if the cards come from China…Do you know what the ‘plastic’ coating is made of?? Many China made playing cards contain formaldehyde to help preserve them on their travels. How about the inks used on the cards?? What are they??
The playing cards that are used in creating GFBToys:
-Made in USA-Certified
-Eco-friendly, recyclable, compostable
-Starch base laminate coating
-Vegetable inks
Part use BLURB:
This blurb is about: Plastic Beads
Seed beads, Pony beads (varying sizes) to Donut beads
Using the same part on a bird toy versus using it on a critter to rabbit toy… Unfortunately not all parts are equally safe for usage in both. This blurb is about the smaller Plastic Beads (Seed beads, Pony beads (varying sizes) to Donut beads (a bit larger/fatter pony bead).
These varying sized beads for birds (using the appropriate bead to beak size are for the most part safe… NOTE: There is ALWAYS the exception…know your bird!!) There are birds that enjoy ‘popping’ beads, run their tongue over or fidget them, move them around, etc… Just having fun with beads!!
But these same sized beads could be a danger for critters to rabbits on their toys. These beads are small enough to be swallowed like food when removed from the toy by accident. This could especially happen if the beads are used on a toy designed with food. GFBToys chooses to use wooden beads, either natural, un-dyed or ones that have been colored with safe dyes for safety. Plus wooden beads are good chewing for their teeth too.
Another possible danger with the small plastic beads is they could get stuck on a tooth when the critter attempts to bite down…that would be tough removal from a mouth in panic. Or the critter could even snap/brake a tooth too.
GFBToys choice to use natural, un-dyed or safe dyed wooden beads &/or wooden nickels/discs but will NOT include the use of painted beads. Not all paint used on wooden beads are safe… Where was the painted wooden bead made?? What was its intended use?? When was it made if you find it at a tag sale (example…if its from the 70’s it could have lead or cadmium in the paint for the color)?? Also being painted you are unable to see what species of wood it is made from. Some woods that could be safe for birds might not be for critters to rabbits & vice versa.
NOT all woods are safe for birds &/or critters to rabbits. You need to know about the parts you are working with…do the research!!
There are several available lists on the web of SAFE woods for birds & for critters to rabbits.
This blurb is about: Made in America vs Made in the USA
Made in America vs Made in the USA
Sounds similar BUT they can have two very different meanings…
*Made in America could be both a play on words that generally means made in either: South America, Central America &/or Canada (North America). This is a well thought out use of ‘buzz’ words in advertising.
*Made in the USA can also have a few different meanings too, here are 3 possibilities:
-All parts & sourcing of materials are from the USA to make the finished product in the USA.
-Parts can be sourced from a combination of domestic & foreign made with the finished product assembled in the USA.
-Made of all foreign parts but the finished product is assembled here in the USA.
Made in USA-Certified